All You Need To Know About Food Sensitivities

What Causes Food Sensitivities?

Food sensitivities are sometimes caused by our bodies’ inability to adequately digest a certain type of food. This is called a food allergy.

In other cases, food sensitivities are caused by sensitization to a chemical that might be found in the food. For example, some people develop pollen allergies as they grow older and their immune systems become more sensitive to allergens.

How Are Food Sensitivities Diagnosed?

Food sensitivities are diagnosed by elimination. That is, you eliminate the foods you think might be causing problems, and then see if your symptoms disappear. If they do, then your food sensitivity is likely caused by that particular food.

The only way to confirm a diagnosis of food sensitivities is through a blood test called IgG testing. This test measures the level of antibodies to various foods in your blood. People with food sensitivities generally have high levels of these antibodies, which might indicate an immune response or sensitivity to a particular food.

There’s another test called a pulse test that can help determine whether you’re sensitive to certain foods. It works like this: For several days before the test, you eliminate all possible allergens from your diet. Then you fast for ten hours and don’t eat anything during that time.

The next day you have your blood drawn every hour for six hours while you drink food extracts that contain dairy, wheat, corn, and so on. Each time your blood is drawn, the nurse will measure how your pulse changes. If nothing happens at all when you are given a certain food extract, then it shows that you’re not sensitive to at least that one food.


Although there are many forms of food sensitivities, it is important to realize that not everyone’s body responds to certain foods in the same way. That is why it is best to consult with a physician and create an individualized diet plan based on your specific needs.